Sponsored Post: FeeReducer.com is the BOMB

This site is off the HIZZLE.  Maryland peeps–check out www.FeeReducer.com.  Awesome lawyers at a DISCOUNT? MOTION SUSTAINED.

Jew Girl Rapper Raps Hanukkah!


So just the other day, I walked into this little shop

To buy a little trinket for a SECRET SANTA SWAP

Jingle bells be jinglin’, and the atmosphere was festive

And just like all the sneezin’s, I BE SEASONS AND CONGESTIVE

I found my little gift, and I checked out with the cashier

Who was dressed up in a costume, so I thought I’d spread some cheer

“Happy Holidays!” I said to little Krissily the Elf

“Merry Christmas, you mean?”

“Nnnno. I mean go f #$k yourself” READ MO, YO!